
Coming Soon....

Welcome friends! As a yarn/fiber lover one of my biggest dreams is to one day own a yarn shop! I would love to be surrounded by fibers of different types, sizes, colors and textures!! I could share my passion with others who are also drawn to the soft squishy goodness and wouldn't look at my funny for petting the yarn or rubbing it on my cheek (after all, that is the real test for softness!) Realistically, I know this is not possible right now. So instead, I'm preparing to open my Etsy shop. Like many of my cyber-fiber friends, I would love to share my creations and (hopefully!) find a way to support this fabulous hobby!!!

I am almost completely self-taught in all my fibery-ways. I learned to knit and crochet from books and lots of experimentation. With the help of internet articles, tips and YouTube videos, I'm learning to spin my own yarn using a drop spindle. I have dappled only once in dying my own wool......and I am resisting it for the moment, although I know in the future I'll be experimenting with that too!

My Etsy store will be opening in February, so I am busy getting things going! I'll be contributing samples to the February Phat Fiber box, so keep an eye out for that and please check back for more updates and pictures of the goodies!

Now, I think it's time for some hot tea to warm up this cold New England day!

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